Booking a Visit
World of Owls is committed to providing a high quality education service and we pride ourselves in bringing an entertaining educational package to province wide schools (etc.), delivering education and fun to all ages and learning abilities.
Education by fun
The education program of the World of Owls is designed to facilitate the National Curriculum’s key stages in order to help Northern Ireland’s younger generation learn about a range of topics including environmental and ecological issues.
You come to us or we come to you.
Us to you:
Each session 1 ½ hour, we have catered for schools of 3 to 700+ pupils, of all abilities, nurseries, special, main stream, etc.
Special provisions can be made including discounts for more than one session.
We are Board approved, fully licensed, fully insured, Access NI checked, qualified teachers and a registered charity.
You to us:
A visit to World of Owls would be a life long memorable experience for any pupil. Come and see Eagles, Owls, Hawks, Falcons, Vultures, Buzzards, Reptiles, Insects and many more species. Have a personal education officer guide your group on an educational journey around or centre.
A pre booking is necessary. We can cater from small classes to around 70 pupils comfortably any more please call for advice. Pre-booking form must be completed and confirmed before any visit.
To book:
Please call and or email Mike our main education officer:
Mike Gibb
T: +44 (0) 71388 7551 (best method of contact)
O: +44 (0) 28 9447 2307